PHI 231. Knowing, Being and Doing: Philosophical Method and Its Applications
Prof. Kyoo Lee, Suite 325-4, Dept. of Philosophy, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Office Hours: by appointment (before or after class)
<Some Examples of the "Philosophical" Text>
- Phillips, excerpt, "Why Ask Why," Socrates Cafe: A Fresh Taste of Philosophy
08/31. Administrative Orientation
Advance Planning
09/07. What is Philosophy?
09/12 and 14. Why Ask Why?
Read In Advance: Phillips, Why Ask Why, Socrates Cafe: A Fresh Taste of Philosophy
Supplementary Read: Plato, the Apology (Hyperlinked Synopsis; Read at least a Few Passages by Following the Links that Interest You.)
09/19 and 21. Writing Workshop
A Sample Analysis of Good/Bad Writings
09/26. Dr. Lee's "Writing Clinic" @ My Office, Pre-scheduled One-on-one conference
Bring Two Hard Copies of Your Drafts and Receive Individualized Feedback.
10/03, 12, 17 and 19. Philosopher as a Fallacy Detective
In-class Material: A Debate between Perry and Romney on the Hiring of "Illegals"
10/24. Learning Plato and Platonic Tradition
10/26. Platonic Differences Between Appearance and Reality
10/31 and 11/02. Dr. Lee's "Writing Clinic" @ My Office, Pre-scheduled One-on-one conference
Bring Two Hard Copies of Your Drafts and Receive Individualized Feedback.
11/02. Midterm Draft Due (11:59pm): 5 Journal Entries and a Paper Outline, All in One File:
Make sure to consolidate all the entries into one file and submit it, as you can make only one submission.
Class ID: 4265137
Password: madness
11/07 and 09. Being Alive/Towards Death
11/14 and 16. Being in Time: LaoTzu, Aristotle, the Stoics and St. Agustine
11/28. Being Repeated: Buddhist Philosophy of Time and Karmic Circle
11/30. Dr. Lee's "Writing Clinic" @ My Office, Pre-scheduled One-on-one conference
Bring Two Hard Copies of Your Drafts and Receive Individualized Feedback.
12/05. Living As
Read In Advance: de Beauvoir, I am a Woman, Introduction to the Second Sex
Supplementary Read: Walker, Womanist (excerpt), In Search of My Mothers' Gardens
12/07. Doing or Not Doing What Exactly?
12/12. Dr. Lee's "Writing Clinic" @ My Office, Pre-scheduled One-on-one conference
Bring Two Hard Copies of Your Drafts and Receive Individualized Feedback.
12/14. Portfolio Due (11:59pm), All in One File:
Make sure to consolidate all the entries into one file and submit it, as you can make only one submission.
Class ID: 4265137
Password: madness