Gender and Sexuality: Philosophical Theories, Spr 2007
Dr. Kyoo Lee, Manget 205 (Phone 8198), Office Hrs: Tu/Th 4:20-5:50pm, LaGrange College
supplementary reading
Required Texts
[DFP] Schott, Robin May, Discovering Feminist Philosophy: Knowledge Ethics Politics , Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 2003 [Use it as a Constant Reference]
[FFR] Oliver, Kelly (ed). French Feminism Reader. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 2000
[FP] Tuana, Nancy and Rosemarie Tong (eds). Feminism and Philosophy: Essential Readings in Theory, Reinterpretation, and
Application. Boulder: Westview. 1995.
[HS] Foucault, Michel. History of Sexuality: An Introduction. NY: Vintage. 1990
[SB] Fausto-Sterling, Ann. Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality. New York, NY: Basic Books. 2000
[Exc] Excerpts from the books noted as such: a set of copies on reserve in the library
I. Orientation: Introducing the Course and Key Concepts
1Thematic Introduction: Brainstorming for and Learning Key Words: Read [DFP]
2<Film> No Dumb Questions
II Nature vs. Nurture: Originary/Biology/Society/Destiny/Teleology
[FP] ‘Psychoanalytic Feminist Theory’
6<Film> The Science of Gender and Science: Pinker vs. Spelke Debate (online)
7[HS] ‘Scientia sexualis’; [SB] ‘Do Sex Hormones Really Exist?’
8[FFR] de Beauvoir, Intro to The Second Sex (re ‘One is Not Born a Woman’)
[FB] ‘Phenomenological and Existentialist Feminist Theory’
9[FFR] Wittig, ‘The Category of Sex’; ‘One is Not Born a Woman’
[FFR] ‘The Straight Mind’; [FP] ‘Radical Feminist Theory’
10[SB] ‘Dueling Dualisms’; ‘Should There be Only Two Sexes?’
[Exc] Lowe, ‘The Dialectic of Biology and Culture’; [Exc] Garber, ‘Bi-word’
11[Exc] Lao Tzu, Dao De Jing (re Nature); [FFR] Delphy, ‘Rethinking Sex’
12[FFR] Irigaray, ‘This Sex Which is Not One’; ‘Body Against Body’
III Sexual Politics: Corporeal/Spectral/Spiritual/Mortal
13[Exc] Kate Millet, ‘Instances of Sexual Politics,’ Sexual Politics
[Exc] Friedan, ‘Sexual Solipsism of Freud’ (available online)
14[HS] ‘We “Other Victorians”’; ‘Repressive Hypothesis’
15[Exc] Confucius, the Analects (re Family); Engles, the Origin of the Family
[FP] ‘Socialist Feminist Theory’; [Exc] Sokolowski, ‘The Threat of Same-Sex Marriage’
[Exc] Rich, ‘Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence’
17[HS] ‘Deployment of Sexuality’
[SB] ‘Of Gender/Genitals'; [Exc] Butler, ‘Variations on Sex and Gender’
18[Exc] Stoltenberg, ‘How Men Have (a) Sex’; ‘The Fetus as Penis’
[Exc] Kimmel, ‘Gendering Desire’; ‘Masculinity as Homophobia: Fear, Shame and Silence’
19[Exc] Faure re Buddhist Sexuality, ‘Boys to Men’; ‘Disciplining/Sexualizing’
20[Exc] Butler, ‘Bodily Inscriptions, Performative Subversions’
21<Film> re Gender of Imperial Cartography: M. Butterfly and The Pillow Book
[Exc] Freud, ‘”Civilized” Sexual Morality’; Stokes, ‘Becoming Visible,’ the Color of Sex
22[HS] ‘Right of Death and Power over Life’
[Exc] Butler, ‘Burning Acts, Injurious Speech’; Shamir and Travis (ed), Boys Don’t Cry?
IV Summing-Up: Rearticulating Problems and Questions
[SB] ‘Gender Systems: Toward a Theory of Human Sexuality’