Updated: Fall 2017
Currently based/teaching @ CUNY (City Univ. of New York, John Jay College and the Graduate Center)
As Professor of Philosophy, Gender Studies and Justice Studies.
When not in class, she globetrots to check on the latest and oldest spectacles
on the market. While on the move, she has also been writing, with the glasses on,
about allegory, blindness, camera, children, cinema, dream, idiocy, irony, encounter,
eyelid, letter-writing, madness, melancholia, mirror, parody, party, scream, scurf, silence,
sleep, etc., some of which are published or forthcoming. Her major academic publications including
reviews have appeared in journals and anthologies such as:
3:AM Magazine
4th First Forward Festival (Onassis Cultural Center, Greece)
Adjacentpineapple (Glasgow)
Angelaki (Routledge)
Asian American Literary Review (SUNY Binghamton)
Asian and Feminist Philosophies in Dialogue (Columbia University Press)
Badiou Studies
Belladonna Chapbook Series
Brooklyn Rail
The Comparatist (UNC Press)
Constructing the Nation: A Race and Nationalism Reader (SUNY)
Critical Philosophy of Race (Penn State University Press)
CUNY Forum (Asian/Asian American Research Institute)
Critical Philosophy of Race (Penn State University Press)
darkmatter Journal
differences (Duke University Press)
Dis Magazine
Humanities (MDPI AG, Switzerland)
Hermeneutics and Place (Springer Press)
Encyclopedia Of Nineteenth-century Thought (Routledge)
Journal of Speculative Philosophy (Penn State Univeresity Press)
Lateral: Journal of Cultural Studies Association (University of Pittsburgh)
Literary Criticism and Cultural Criticism (Central Chinese Normal University Press, China)
Mythos and Logos (Rodopi)
Naked Punch (London, UK)
A New Kind of Containment: “The War on Terror,” Sexuality and Race (Rodopi)
Parallax (Routledge)
philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism (SUNY Press)
Philosophical Writings (Durham University, UK)
Philosophy in Review/Comptes Rendus Philosophiques (University of Victoria, Canada)
Philosophy, Sign, Narrative (Bookman, Taiwan)
Poetics of In-between Space (Pusan, Korea)
The Poetry Foundation
Poetry Review (Poetry Society, UK)
Queering Contemporary Asian American Art (University of Washington Press)
Race and Nationalism Reader (SUNY Press)
Reading Descartes Otherwise: Blind, Mad, Dreamy, and Bad (Fordham University Press)
SOAS Literary Review (University of London, UK)
Social Identities (Routledge)
Studies in British and American Language and Literature (Saehan, Korea)
Studies in Gender and Sexuality (Routledge)
Supplement (University of Pennsylvannia and Materialist Press)
Undutiful Daughters: New Directions in Feminist Thought and Practice (Palgrave-MacMillan)
The Volta (University of Arizona)
The White Review (London, UK)
WSQ: Womens Studies Quarterly (The Feminist Press)
Young Thought on the Threshold of the New Century (Urals State Univ., Ministry of Education of Russian Federation, Russia)
<<Встреча контекстов: некоторые замечания относительно взаимосвязи философии Бахтина и Левинаса>>
If and when she grows up, she wants to be Alice in Wonderland.
Coeditor, philoSOPHIA, USA
Contributing Editor, Nakedpunch, Arts Council of England, UK
Manuscript Reviewer for Journal, Confluence: Online Journal of World Philosophies, Austria/Germany/India/USA
Manuscript Reviewer for Journal, Derrida Today, Edinburgh University Press, UK
Manuscript Reviewer for Journal, Hypatia: a Journal of Feminist Philosophy, Wiley-Blackwell, UK/USA
Manuscript Reviewer for Journal, PhaenEx: Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture, CANADA
Member of the Organizing Committee, NYSWIP, USA
Assistant Director, philoSOPHIA: A Feminist Society, USA
Associate Editor, Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, USA
Co-organizer, philoSOPHIA 2010: All in the Family: Interdisciplinary Workshop on Kinship and Family, CUNY & Mellon Foundation, USA
Co-organizer, philoSOPHIA 2009, Annual Workshop, John Jay College and Fordham University, USA
Member of the Committee on Asian and Asian American Philosophies-Philosophers, APA: American Philosophical Association, USA
Member of the Committee on the Status of Women, SPEP: Society for Phenomenology and Existentialist Phil, USA
Member of the Conference Paper Selection Committee, ISUD: International Society for Universal Dialogue, USA
Faculty Research Excellence Award, John Jay College, CUNY, USA
Faculty Fellowship, Faculty Fellowship Publication Program, CUNY, USA
W. Stewart Travel Award, CUNY Academy of Humanities & Sciences, USA
Most of my work touches on philopoetic questions on self, time and language, and my writings, most broadly seen, belong in the field of the Theoretical Humanities; my own intellectual genre arises from the intersecting lines of (1) 20th Century Continental Philosophy & Early Modern Philosophy/(2) Feminist & Gender Theory/(3) Critical Race Theory & Postcolonial Studies/(4) Asian & Asian American Philopoetics/ (5) Textual Aesthetics, Literary Theory & Comparative Literature. My publications tend to be intercategorical & interdisciplinary, although each piece shows a thematic focus.
Single-authored Monographs
Lee, K (2012). Reading Descartes Otherwise: Blind, Mad, Dream, and Bad. New York: Fordham University Press.
Reviewed/Interviewed @:
Comparative and Continental Philosophy, by Laura Hengehol
Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal
Notredame Philosophical Reviews
Reference and Book Research New
University Press Scholarship Online
Edited or Co-edited Volumes
2014 Xenophobia & Racism. Critical Philosophy of Race (Vol. 2, Issue 1). Spring 2014. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press. With Ron Sundstrom
2011 Safe. WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly (Vol. 39). New York, New York: The Feminist Press. With Alyson Cole
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
2017 For (the) Real: You Mean Rate ’em, or Rape ‘em? Studies in Gender and Sexuality
2016 Lipthink, Anyone? On, Lips Apart, Disagreeing With You … For a Queer Feminist Rectification? differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies
2016 Buttery Flies: The Alien Permanence of the InvAsian Irony of Permanent Aliens. Critical Philosophy of Race
2015 A Musing with Alain Badiou à la ‘Dialogue Between a Chinese Philosopher and a French Philosopher’, or, An Exercise in Self-Reference. Badiou Studies
2015 Butterfly Redreaming: Rethinking Free, with Zhuangzi Flying Westerly with Descartes, Lacan, Waldman …. Journal Humanities
2012 Why Not?—Or How To Home In On The Sound of White Silence. Response to Adrienne Harris Studies in Gender and Sexuality
2011 Cogito Interruptus: The Epistolary Body in the Elisabeth-Descartes Correspondence, 22 June 1645–3 November 1645 philoSOPHIA
2006 The Other of Dialogue: Opening Silences of the Dumb Foreigner. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture
2005 Shelley-de Man Unbound: the Knot of Revolutionary Irony. Studies in British and American Language and Literature
2005 Sex and the City: the Female Gaze, Resilient Body and Urban Desire in the Poetry of Choi-Young Mi. SOAS Literary Review
2004 A Calligraphy of Time: Allegory (Dis)orders in the Materialist Aesthetics of Walter Benjamin and Paul de Man. Parallax
2001 Chaogito: A Ceasura of Fable Within Descartes' "Fable". The Saehan Journal of English Language and Literature
Chapters in Peer-reviewed Books
2017 Second Languaging The Second Sex, Its Conceptual Genius: A Translingual Contemporization of « On ne naît pas femme: on le devient.»
Nancy Bauer and Laura Hengehold (Eds.), A Companion to Simone de Beauvoir (pp. 500-513). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
2017 Just Throw Like a Bleeding Philosopher: Menstrual Pauses & Poses, Betwixt Hypatia & Bhubaneswari, Half-Visible, Almost Illegible
Dorothea Olkowski and Helen Fielding (Eds.), Feminist Phenomenology Futures (pp. 21-46). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
2017 An Eco-Echo-Philopoetics of Dialog & Place: Why & When Should Language Alert & Alter Itself?
Bruce Janz (Ed.), Place, Space and Hermeneutics (pp. 49-59). NY, NY: Springer Publishing.
2017 Afterword: To be Queer Being to Queer It …
Laura Kina and Jan Christian Bernabe (Eds.), Queering Contemporary Asian American Art (pp. 192-94), Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press.
2014 On the Transformative Potentials of ‘the Dark Female Animal’ in Daodejing
Ashby Butnor and Jennifer McWeeny (Eds.), Asian and Feminist Philosophies in Dialogue: Liberating Traditions (pp.57-77). NY, NY: Columbia University Press.
2013 Mutated Fables of God in the Philosophy of René Descartes: A Mini-Narrative Analysis of "A, or The, or Him or It, or All But ..."
Cristal Huang, Philippe Roussin et al. (Eds.), Philosophy, Sign and Narrative (pp. 179-198). 哲學‧符號‧敘事. Taipei, Taiwan: Bookman Books.
2013 Chinese Translation of Mutated Fables of God 笛卡爾哲學中之…:「一個,或這個,或祂,或它或所有的但唯獨…」的迷你的敘事分析.
Cristal Huang (Translator), Philippe Roussin et al. (Eds.), Philosophy, Sign and Narrative (pp. 168-178). 哲學‧符號‧敘事. Taipei, Taiwan: Bookman Books.
2012 (Un)naming the Third Sex after Beauvoir: Towards a Third Dimensional Feminism
Henriette Gunkel, Chrysanthi Nigianni and Fanny Söderbäck (Eds.). Undutiful Daughters: New Directions in Feminist Thought and Practice (pp. 195-207). Palgrave,
2009 When Fear Interferes with Freedom: Infantilization of the American Public Seen Through the Lens of Post-9/11 Literature for Children
L. Alcoff & M. Ortega (Eds.), Constructing the Nation: a Race and Nationalism Reader. SUNY Series, Philosophy and Race (pp. 43-63). Albany: SUNY Press
2009 United We Stay… Home: Interrogating the Racialized Bildung of American Children in Post-911 Comfort Books
M. K. B.-L. a. C. R. Lugo-Lugo (Eds.), A New Kind of Containment: “The War on Terror,” Sexuality and Race (Vol. Philosophy of Peace (pp.75-87), Rodopi
2007 Black Eyes, White Hood; A Para-Sartrean Reflection on the Cosmetic Exemplarity and Racial Mimesis of "The Double Eyelid" (Trans.)
F. Wang (Ed.), Literary Criticism and Cultural Criticism (Wenxue Piping Yu wenhua Pipan) (pp. 280-296). Wuhan, China: Central Chinese Normal University Press.
2005 The Madness of Measuring Madness: Revisiting Foucault vs. Derrida on Descartes’ Madmen
S.-K. K. a. P. Patton (Ed.), Poetics of In-Between Space (pp. 411-438). Pusan: Pusan National University Press.
2005 Kierkegaard
G. Claeys (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Nineteenth Century Thought (pp. 258-262). London and New York: Routledge.
2004 Poetics of Philosophical Somnambulism: A Case of Descartes the Olympian Dreamer
A. A. Anderson, S. V. Hicks & L. Witkowski (Eds.), Mythos and Logos: How to Regain the Love of Wisdom (pp. 97-114). Amsterdam; New York, N.Y.: Rodopi.
2004 もしデカルトが写真を見たなら… "If Descartes Saw a Photography" (Trans. by Keijiro Suga)
K. K. a. K. Suga (Ed.), 『写真との対話:How to Talk to Photography』Shashin to no taiwa (pp. 167-184). Tokyo Kokusho Kankokai.
2001 An Interesting Non-Alibi in Being: A Levinasian Encounter with Bakhtin
D. Olshansky (Ed.), Young Thoughts on the Threshold of a New Century (Vol. 2, pp. 8-13). Ekaterinburg: Ural State University Press.
2001 Встреча контекстов: некоторые замечания относительно взаимосвязи философии Бахтина и Левинаса. (Trans. by D. Olshansky)
D. Olshansky (Ed.), Young Thoughts on the Threshold of a New Century (pp. 13-15). Ekaterinburg: Urals State University.
Book Reviews
Lee, K. (2017. “Antigone Notgone, Our Darker Sister—Bloodier Than Before, Milkier Than Ever”: A Review of William Robert, Revivals: Of Antigone (SUNY Press, 2015). philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 7 (2), 369-375.
Lee, K. (2010). A Review of Laura Hengehold, The Body Problematic: Political Imagination in Kant and Foucault (Penn State University Press, 2007), Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 25 (2), 480-484.
Lee, K. (2005). A Review of Kandice Chuh, Imagine Otherwise: On Asian Americanist Critique (Duke University, 2003). Comparatist: The Journal of Southern Comparative Literature Association 29, 153-155.
Lee, K. (2004). Off the Beaten Track: Shepherding the Later Heidegger. A Review of Martin Heidegger, Off the Beaten Track (Holzwege) (CUP. 2002). Philosophical Writings 23, 75-78.
Lee, K. (2003). Schrag and the Task of Philosophy. A Review of Calvin O. Schrag and the Task of Philosophy after Postmodernity (Northwestern Univ Press. 2002). Philosophy in review/ Comptes rendus philosophiques 23 (4), 270-272.
Lee, K (2017), “jazz: reading descartes otherwise,” interview with Richard Marshall, 3:AM Magazine, Paris/London, May 2017. http://www.3ammagazine.com/3am/jazz-reading-descartes-otherwise/
Lee, K (2017), “Getting There,” Accompanying Text/Short Story on PIRAEUS/HETEROTOPIA, 4th First Forward Festival, Onassis Cultural Center, Athens, Greece, May 2017.
Lee, K (2017), A Review of Barbara Guest, The Collected Poems of Barbara Guest (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2008/2016), Brooklyn Rail, New York.
Lee, K (2016), “AMBILINGUAL: WriteEntanglish, goAmbilingual, No Dump(l)ing| Philopoetic InOutsiding in Times of reBordering,” Supplement 1 (1): 86-90. Launch Issue. Creative Writing Program. PA: University of Pennsylvania and Materialist Press.
Lee, K (2015), Writing Entanglish: Come in Englysshing With Gertrude Stein, Zhuangzi … New York: Belladonna Chapbook Series (Chapbook)
Lee, K (2015). Raw Raw, Eat Your News, “In the Spirit of a Sestina.” MusingWith: Kimiko Hahn. Asian American Literary Review, Spring 2015, Crownsville, MD. http://aalr.binghamton.edu/mwkyoo-lee/
Lee, K (2013). Through a Turquoise Dialogue. MusingWith: Mei-mei Berssenbrugge. Asian American Literary Review, Fall 2013: Special Issue on Mixed Race, Pandora’s Box. Crownsville, MD. http://aalrmag.org/mixedraceissuemusingwith/
Lee, K (2013). “Had He Lived Always among the Chinese or with Savages”: A Musing on a “Chinese” Descartes of Modernity in the Discourse on Method. CUNY Forum, 1(1), 33-38. AAARI-CUNY.
Lee, K. (2009). From Paper Sons to Asian Babies: Echoes of Familial Alterity From the Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882-1943. APA Newsletter on Asian and Asian-American Philosophers and Philosophies, 8(2), 12-13.
Lee, K. (2009). Still, Only On Paper, or Not On Paper: The Artefactuality of Asian American Ontology Allegorized in the “Paper Sons”. APA Newsletter on Asian and Asian-American Philosophers and Philosophies, 8(2), 11.
Lee, K. (2005). The Madness of Measuring Madness: Revisiting Foucault vs. Derrida on Descartes’ Madmen. Naked Punch 4, 53-66.
Lee, K. (2006). Secret Wars I: Launching an Investigation into One Different Hitchcock While Working through Cohen’s Hitchcock’s Cryptonymies Vol. I & II Naked Punch, London, UK.
Lee, K. (2004). Hukke-dokashi (Scurf). English Translation. In C. Lee (Ed.), Dialogues: Recent Writings of Chonghwa Lee (In Japanese) (pp. 3-5). Tokyo: Kosusho Kankokai.
Lee, K., and Sarah MaGuire. (2004). At Thirty, The Party Is Over. Poetry Review: Journal of Poetry Society UK 94(4).
Lee, K. (2004). At Thirty, the Party is Over: Poetry of Choi Young-Mi. Naked Punch, 3, 31-37.
Recently/Currently Funded Long-term Research Projects
PoeticJusticeToday.mp3 (The Mellon Foundation/CUNY Grad Center, 2017-18)
Minima Cogitøgraphia (Transdisciplinary Program, SpaceTime, KIAS, 2015)
Daoism Reconsidered (Faculty Fellowship Publication Program, 2013)
Bring It Up, Bright It Up: How the Words "Occupy Wall Street" (The Center for Place, Culture, and Politics, CUNY Graduate Center, 2012)
Re-Orientale: Rethinking Orientalism and Other Global Oddities (Center for the Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center, 2010)
Xenophobia/philia (Asian American and Asian Research Institute, CUNY, 2010)
Familial Alterities (The Mellon Foundation/CUNY Graduate Center, 2009-2010)
*[Poetry Reading, UPenn] 12/04/2017: tba, Poetry Reading, Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
*[Translogopoethics, Yunnan Normal University] 04/20/2017: “Thinking Across Derrida: A Close, Translingual Reading of Monolingualism of the Other,” School of Foreign Languages, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, China
*[Translogopoethics, Renmin University] 04/18/2017: “Think Again, Read Twice: How & Where Philosophy, Poetry and Translation Meet,” School of Foreign Languages, Renmin University, Beijing, China
*[Translogopoethics, Tsinghua University] 04/13/2017: “Merci at Your Mercy as I Denken/Danken: Theorizing Translogopoethics Today with & after Derrida and Heidegger et al.,” Department of Philosophy, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
*[Translogopoethics, Shanghai Jiatong University] 04/12/2017: “Letters from Other Friends: Theorizing Translogopoethics with & after Derrida et al.,” School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Shanghai Jiatong University, Shanghai, China
*[Translating “Sex,” Fudan University] 04/12/2017: “Sex in Other Words: Why & How I Read The Second Sex & Daodejing Together,” School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
*[Philopoetics/Hetertopia, B&B Bookstore & Meiji University] 04/06/2017: Workshop on a Philopoetics/Heterotopia, B&B Bookstore/Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan
*[Plenary, Social Affect and the Work of Teresa Brenna, philoSOPHIA] 03/30/2017: “uVibe: Brennan, Q, Simondon …,” philoSOPHIA, Annual Conference, Florida Atlantic University, Florida, USA
*[Keynote, Fabrications of Reality, CUNY Graduate Center] 03/24/2017: “Know Yourselfie: A Meditation on ImMEDIAtion,” Fabrications of Reality, Department of French, Annual Conference, CUNY, Graduate Center, New York, USA
*[Noted Scholars Lecture Series, University of British Columbia] 03/01/2017: “A Translingual Contemporization of The Second Sex, Its Queer Genius,” University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
*[PoemTalk, UPenn] 01/19/2017: on the Poetry of Claudia Rankine, Don’t Let Me Be Lonely, PennSound, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
*[Symposium, American Philosophical Association] 01/07/2017: “Continental Philosophy as Social Philosophy,” Commentator, Papers by Gail Weiss and Bernhard Schmid, American Philosophical Association, Annual Convention, Eastern Division Meeting. Baltimore, USA
*[Racialized “You”, Central China Normal University] 12/22/2016: ‘“You Are in the Dark, in the Car …”: Racially-textured “You”-consciousness in the Poetry of Claudia Rankine,’ School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China
*[Xuanpin in Daodejing, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences] 12/20/2016: A Lecture on Re-reading/translating Xuanpin (The Dark Female Animal) in Chapter 6 of Daodejing, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China
*[Daoist Translingual Poetics, Chinese/American Association for Poetry] 11/12/2016: “Talkin’ Englishi (時/詩) enTanglish: A Philopoetics of Translingual Disorientation à la Zhuangzi (莊子), a Butterflight Attendant,” CAAP (Chinese/American Association for Poetry and Poetics), 4th Annual Conference, California State University, Los Angeles, USA
*[Plenary, Freud’s Taboo on Virginity, International Society for Psychoanalysis and Philosophy] 11/10/2016: “Anhedonia, Asexuality, Anorexia: Freud’s Taboo on Virginity,” Discussant, with Britta Gunther, Elissa Marder, Jamieson Webster, International Society for Psychoanalysis and Philosophy, The New School, New York, USA
*[A Philopoetics of Personhood, UNESCO World Humanities Forum] 10/27/2016: “Per Son Per Se, Inexhaustible: Homo Philopoeticus ReImaging Homo Performans,” 4th World Humanities Forum on The Humanities of Hope, UNESCO, The National Research Foundation & Aju University, Suwon, Korea
*[The Transhumanity of “You,” Hanshin University] 10/25/2016: “The Endless Man at “The Ends of Man”: Thinking of You, What Is?,” International Forum on Transhumanity, Religion and Technology, The National Research Foundation/Hanshin University, Korea
*[Plenary, The Yeats Society of Korea and The National Research Foundation of Korea] 10/22/2016: “The Prismatic Yeats: A Philopoetic Reading of A Vision,” The Yeats Society of Korea/The National Research Foundation, International Conference, Seoul, Korea
*10/13/2016: “Why Asian Female Stereotypes Matter to All: Beyond Black and White, East and West,” School of Philosophy, Public Lecture, Dongnan University, Nanjing, China
*[Stereotypes and Social Phenomenology, IAS, Nanjing University] 10/12/2016: “Why Asian Female Stereotypes Matter to All: Beyond Black and White, East and West,” Institute for Advanced Studies, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
*[Benjamin Franklin and Double Whiteness, Nanjing University] 10/11/2016: “Why Benjamin Franklin All Over Again: Xenoracism, Double Whiteness and Its Contemporary Variants,” School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Public Lecture, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
*[Poetry Reading, PEN America Translation Committee] 09/25/2016: Reading in Translation: Excerpts from the Works of Hyesoon Kim and Oisoo, PEN America Translation Committee, KGB Bar, NYC, USA
*[Poetry Reading, Creative Writing Program, UPenn] 09/21/2016: “AMBILINGUAL: WriteEntanglish, goAmbilingual, NoDump(l)ing/philopoetic InOutsiding in times of rebordering,” Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
06/08/2016: “When Time Goes Out of Joint, Back in Touch with Itself: Jacques Derrida’s Hamlet and the Surreality of the Double Father … Problem?” Derrida Today 5th Annual Conference, Goldsmith College, University of London, London, UK
*[Derrida and Monolingualism, Central China Normal University] 04/27/2016: “Repeat After Me, Derrida: How to Read the Monolingualism of the Other in Entanglish, Philopoetically,” School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China
*[Derrida Today, Tsinghua University] 04/25/2016: Of “Derrida Today”: Through the Lens of Monolingualism of the Other, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Institute of Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
*[Forum on Rosemary’s Baby and Reproductive Futurity, NYU & Swiss Institute] 04/09/2016: “Ebaby's Sorry, Ma—And You Just Still Smile: In Search of Rosemary Mammagram in the Age of 3D (Baby) Printing,” All of Them Witches: A Symposium Celebrating Rosemary’s Baby, Comparative Literature Department of NYU and Swiss Institute, NY, USA
*[Curatorial/Comparative Philosophy, The Curator Academy] 03/19/2016: “Zhuangzi’s Butterfly on Descartes’ Window,” Lecture Seminar on Curatorial Philosophy, Cosponsored by the Curator Academy, Korean Art Management Service (KAMS), Nonprofit Art Space Network (NASN), The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST), Seoul, Korea
*03/12/2016: “When Time Goes Out of Joint, Back in Touch with Itself: Jacques Derrida’s Hamlet and the Surreality of the Double Father … Problem?,” Shakespeare in Shanghai Conference, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China
*03/09/2016: “How to Be and Not To Be: Lessons from Two Modern Philopoets, Hamlet & Descartes,” Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, China
*01/28/2016: “The Malleability and Mobility of Dwelling: Reflections Around the Case of Yimmi (the Grandmother’s Cabin/Room) in Mosuo Culture,” Seminar Series on Mattereality, KIAS Indie Transdisciplinary Seminar, Seoul, Korea
*[Forum on Daodejing and Confucianism in Dujianyan Confucian Temple] 01/13/2015: “Forum with Kyoo Lee on Daoism and Comparative Philosophy around the Questions on How to Read Daodejing and Other Related Texts,” Public Conversation, Confucian Temple, Dujianyan, Chengdu, China
*12/16/2015: “Writing Entanglish: Come in Englysshing with Gertrude Stein, Zhuangzi,” Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China
*[Forum on Shakespeare’s Hamlet, with Kyoo Lee (Speaker) and Jonathan Locke Hart (Commentator), Shanghai Jiaotong University] 12/15/2015: “How to Be and Not To Be: Lessons from Two Modern Philopoets, Hamlet & Descartes,” Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China
*[Gallery Talk, See+ Gallery, 798 Art Village] 12/11/2015: “A Photo-Poetics of Seeing: Vanishing Deconstructions,” Conversation with Gabriela Morawetz, See+ Gallery, Beijing, China
*[RETHINKING THE FAMILIAR, Multi-locational Lecture Series, China] Series Organized and Sponsored by Beijing Normal Univ., Beijing Science & Technology Univ., Hainan Normal Univ., Shandong Univ., and Tsinghua Univ., China
[RTF] 11/16 /2015: “Who is the “Other”? Some Perspectives from Beauvoir and Derrida,” Beijing Normal University
[RTF] 11/17/2015: “Butterfly Redreaming: A Philsophical Meeting between Descartes and Zhuangzi,” Beijing Normal University
[RTF] 11/19/2015: “Biophilosophical Implications and Applications of Jacques Derrida’s “Animot,” Shandong University
[RTF] 11/23/2015: “More than Five Sexes? Rethinking Sexuation in the Age of Gender Diversity,” Beijing Science & Technology University
[RTF] 11/23/2015: “One is Not Born Garbage,” Beijing Normal University
[RTF] 11/24/2015: “Philosophy and the GPS: Rethinking Space with Descartes,” Tsinghua University
[RTF] 11/24/2015: “Waterscapes: The Philopoetics and Politics of Water,” Beijing Normal University
[RTF] 11/26/2015: “Biophilosophical Implications and Applications of Jacques Derrida’s “Animot,” Hainan Normal University
[RTF] 11/30/2015: “ReThink Your Life: Why Philosophy Matters,” Beijing Normal University
[RTF] 12/01/2015: “Philosophy and the GPS: Rethinking Space with Descartes,” Beijing Normal University
*[Poetry Reading, Brooklyn Museum] 11/07/2015: “Writing Entanglish,” Connecting Cultures. Exhibition and Poetry Reading. Brooklyn Museum and Belladonna Collectives, NY, USA
*[Seminar Forum, Cultural Translation in a Post-Global Era: “East/West” Fables—Seminar with Kyoo Lee followed by Roundtable Discussion, SUNY-Albany] 10/27/2015: “If China Travelled to Descartes: Cartesianism in Transit—with a Franco-Sino Twist,” English Department, Vice Provost and Dean of International Education, and MA in Liberal Studies, State University of New York, Albany, NY, USA
*10/23/2015: “All That Culture: Of Civilizational Garbage and Procee-relational Thinking,” Ecology of Community: Process, Identity, and Transformation Conference, Claremont Theological Seminary, CA, USA
*09/17/2015: “If China Travelled to Descartes: Cartesianism in Transit – with a Franco-Sino Twist,” Institute for the Humanities, Beyond Humanism Conference, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
*[The Second Sex (Korean), Distinguished Scholars’ Lecture Series, The Translingual Second Sex, Ewha Womans University] 09/10/2015: “Her Woman그 여자의 여자: Translingualizing Simone de Beauvoir’s “Second Sex”,” Institute for English and American Studies, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
*09/04/2015: “Mediascaping through Windowed Monads: Trans-spatiotemporality in Nam June Paik’s Media Art,” KIAS Seminar on Spatiotemporality, Seoul, Korea
08/13/2015: What's Dancing “Through the Curtained Time-in-between가려진 시간 사이로”? Human Time, Cosmic Time, International Conference, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, Korea
*[Symposium Keynote, Philopoetics of Spacetime, KIAS (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)] 07/30/2015: “Minima Cogitøgraphia: Time-spacing 2.0 with Descartes, Bachelard, Heidegger, Zhuangzi …,” Philopoetics of Spacetime, Symposium, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, Korea
*06/27/2015: “YOU Affect,” Summer Writing Program, Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, Naropa University, Boulder, CO, USA
*06/22/2015-06/26/2015: “Sleep Furiously, Dream Fabulously: On & On at Noon With & After Rimbaud,” Workshop, Summer Writing Program, Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, Naropa University, Boulder, CO, USA
*06/22/2015: “Echo-poetics,” Ecopoetics Panel, Summer Writing Program, Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, Naropa University, Boulder, CO, USA
*[Plenary, Hunan University of Science and Technology] 05/28/2015: “Hello Kitty, a Transnational Animal: A Translingual Tour with Jacques Derrida’s “L’animot,”” Conference on Literature and Transnational Studies: An Encounter between East and West, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, China
*05/27/2015: ““One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman”: Contemporizing The Second Sex,” Southeast University, Nanjing, China
*[Faculty Seminar, CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)] 04/28/2015: “Butterfly Redreaming: Rethinking Free, with Zhuangzi Flying Westerly with Descartes, Lacan, and Waldman,” CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Beijing, China
*[Keynote, Shanghai Int’l Studies Univ.] 04/24/2015: “Talkin’ Englishi (時/詩), a Philopoetics of Translingual Disorientation: Imagine Zhuangzi & Avant-Garde Poets,” The Representations of History and Culture in Literature, Fifth International Conference on English/American/Comparative Literature, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China
*04/20/2015: “Fanon Says,” Panel Discussion/Book Talk. Response to Lewis Gordon’s What Fanon Said. Book Culture, NY, NYC, USA
*[Queer Philosophy, The Greater Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium Public Lecture Series] 04/18/2015: “Metaqueerphysics: “an Obscure-Distinct Idea (une idée distincte-obscure)”,” Queer Philosophy, The Greater Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium, The Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA
*[The Second Sex (English/French), Stony Brook Philosophy Lecture Series, Stony Brook University] 02/26/2015: “Reopening Lines: Reading The Second Sex the Third Time, Translingually Too,” Department of Philosophy, Stony Brook University, Long Island, NY, USA
*[The Second Sex (Dutch), Radboud Graduate School—Humanities, Gender Studies & Sexuality Lecture Series] 11/26/2014: “Beauvoir in Transit: Reading The Second Sex Translingually,” with Marieke Borren and Iris van der Tuin as Respondents, Radboud Gender Studies & Sexualities Lecture IV, Graduate School for the Humanities & Institute for Gender Studies, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
11/24/2014: “Like a Butterfly Flying One Way or Another, Not Just “The Other” Way Around,” Analogical Reasoning—East & West, Karl Jaspers Centre for Advanced Transcultural Studies, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
*[NWSA Author Meets Critics] 11/14/2014: “How to Lipthink—with Lynne Huffer,” on Lynne Huffer’s Are the Lips a Grave?, NWSA (National Women’s Studies Association) Annual Conference: Feminist Transgressions, San Juan, Puerto Rico
*10/31/2014: “A Vital Call—Or Call Me … Avital,” The Telephone Book @ 25, Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, Department of Performance Studies, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), Deutsches Haus, NYU, NY, NY, USA
*10/25/2014: “Democrazy Derrida,” on Sam Haddad’s Derrida and the Inheritance of Democracy, SPEP, Loyola University and Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
06/19/2014: “On Becoming Who You Are: What the Second of The Second Sex Is & Does In & After Beauvoir,” Divergent Lineages of Existentialism Conference, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, St. Louis, MO, USA
*06/07/2014: Faculty Poetry Reading, Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, Naropa University, Boulder, CO, USA
*[Visiting Faculty Inaugural Lecture, Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics] 06/05/2014: “Cogitøgraphy 3.0: (Post-)Cartesian Poetics,” Summer Writing Program, Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado, USA
*06/02/2014-06/06/2014, Workshop, Cogitøgraphy 3.0: Thinking-Writing-Reading … Still?, Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, Naropa University, Boulder, CO, USA
*05/28/2014: “‘Reading’ One’s Own Passions as Another Way of Accessing the Soul: Descartes’s Passions of the Soul and Ricoeur’s Oneself as Another,” Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Fonds Ricoeur, Society for Ricoeur Studies, Soochow University, Paris, France/Taipei, Taiwan
*[The Second Sex (Chinese), Beijing Normal Philosophy Public Lecture Series] 05/21/2014: “On Reading de Beauvoir Today: A Philosophical Analysis of The Second Sex,” Department of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
*05/20/2014: “On Translingual Poetics and Aesthetic Translation: Ways of Reading Lines from Bei Dao,” University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
*05/14/2014: “Translingualism in the Age of Linguistic Globalization,” Tianjin University of Technology and Education/Nankai University Press, Tianjin, China
*05/15/2014: “Recent Trends in American Studies: A Transhistorical and Transcontinental Perspective,” Tianjin University of Economics and Finance/Nankai University Press, Tianjin, China
*05/01/2014: “Unbottling the Genius of The Second Sex: In Translingual Japanese,” Department of French & Gender Studies & Critical Theory Institute, School of Humanities, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan
*04/29/2014: “How to Pronounce “Derrida”: On Reading Monolingualism of the Other Translingually,” Department of French & Gender Studies & Critical Theory Institute, School of Humanities, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan
03/22/2014: “Weiwuyoushen (as I have a body),” Our Bellies Need Attention: A Lesson from Daodejing on the Interconnectedness of Physical Needs and the Social Body,” Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle, Loyola Marymount College, LA, CA, USA
*02/13/2014: “On the Transformative Potential of “Xuanpin (The Dark Female Animal)” in Daodejing,” Department of Philosophy, The Center for Religious Diversity and Public Life, the UCCS Philosophy Club, The University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
*10/30/2013: Response to “Elegance is Refusal,” Fashion Event, Women’s Studies Quarterly. The Graduate Center, CUNY, NY, NY, USA
*10/26/2013: “‘If Mr. Chang Is Coming, You Know He's a Chinaman’; And Do We Know What Xenoracism Is?” Panel on Race and Epistemology, SPEP, University of Oregon, Eugene, WA, USA
*10/25/2013: “‘Reading’ One’s Own Passions as Another Way of Accessing the Soul: Descartes’s Passions of the Soul and Ricoeur’s Oneself as Another,” Society for Ricoeur Studies, The University of Oregon, Eugene, WA, USA
10/13/2013: “Simone de Beauvoir as an Experimental Writer: The Second Sex as a Case in Point,” Contemporary Experimental Women's Writing, Manchester University, Manchester, UK
*[The Second Sex (German/Swedish), ZTG-Humboldt Public Lecture Series] 10/09/2013: “Reading The Second Sex the Third Time: On the Quiet, Queer Genius of the Beauvoirean “Second”,” Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
*10/2/2013: “Intersectionalizing Feminism, Gender Studies and Postcolonialism: On Re-reading The Second Sex,” Department of Social Sciences, University of Naples L'Orientale
*09/26/2013: “A Zeroing in on a Point Again: Placing Descartes’ Chaogito in the Age of Instantaneous Global-Material Portability,” Place/s of Thinking Conference, The University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
*05/23/2013: “If Descartes Menstruated …: A Post-Beauvoirean Note,” Future Directions in Feminist Phenomenology, Feminist Phenomenology Conference, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
05/03/2013: “Menstrual Meditations,” Bios: Feminist Philosophies of Life, 7th Annual Conference, philoSOPHIA, University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada
04/03/2013: “A Global Menstrual Time … Now: Towards a Post-Cartesian Chronopolitics Today,” Annual Conference, American Comparative Literature Association, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
03/22/2013: “If China Travelled to Descartes: A Note toward Cartesian Schizophrenia or an Alternative Cartesianism Today,” Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
*03/19/2013: “Why Reading Today?” Departments of English Language & Literature, Chinese Language & Literature, and Philosophy, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
*02/28/2013: “Fashion, Hacked: Liberation Through Participation,” Women’s Studies Center, MA in Liberal Arts Program, the Italian Trade Commission’ Fashion of the Vine Project, The Graduate Center, CUNY, NY, NY, USA
*06/13/2012: “On ‘Other’ Philosophies: Questions of Alterity in So-called Continental Philosophy,” University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
*06/12/2012: “On Not Speaking Chinese/English: ‘He Speaks Chinese,’” University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
*06/05/2012: “The Reader as a Translator, or the Translator as a Reader: Thinking with Walter Benjamin, Ezra Pound, and Bei Dao,” Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China
*06/04/2012: “On Not Speaking Chinese/English: ‘He Speaks Chinese,’” Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China
*06/02/2012: “On Reading with an Accent: Redrawing an Interlingual Space Called ‘Future,’” Leshan Normal University, Leshan, China
*[Plenary, CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) & SUST] 05/31/2012: “If Descartes Travelled to Times Square: Towards A Post-Cartesian Echo-cartography on Surfaces, Squares and Zones,” City, Culture and Their Representations, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences/The Southwest University of Science and Technology/Le Shan Normal University, Beijing/Mianyang/Le Shan, China
*05/26/2012: “Wonder (l'admiration): A Cartesian Lexicon 2.0,” Philosophy, Sign, Narrative: An International Workshop, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan
*05/24/2012: “Literary Pedagogy In and Through English: ABC’s …,” Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan
*05/09/2012: with Anne O’Byrne, “Cogito Interruptus: Descartes and Princess Elisabeth on Life, Love and Growing Old,” NYPL (New York Public Library), New York, NY, USA
*[Keynote Response, MLI] 05/05/2012: Response, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s Keynote, “Languages Other Than English,” Comparative Modernisms, Medialities, Modernities, Mellon Literature Initiatives Conference, Fordham University and New York University, NY, NY, USA
04/13/2012: “What Do the Subaltern Speak? A Language of Menstruality and Subaltern Speech Act,” philoSOPHIA, 6th Annual Conference, Miami University, Oxford, OH, USA
03/08/2012: “On the Transformative Potentials of the Dark Female Animal in the Daodejing,” Comparative Continental Philosophy Circle, Annual Conference, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA
*03/05/2012: Panel Discussion, The Mother in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (Elissa Marder, Fordham University Press, 2012), Book Culture, NY, NY, USA
*02/24/2012: “What is Xenoracism?—To Learn More from Benjamin Franklin, “the First American,”” Xenophobia and Racism, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, USA
*12/29/2011: “Xenoracism and Homo Habitus: How to Speak American without an English Accent,” APA, Washington DC, USA
*11/15/2011: Evasions of Power, The James Gallery, CUNY, and the Slought Foundation, Philadelphia, PA, USA
*10/22/2011: Commentator on a Panel, “Doing Philosophy with Patricia Hill Collins,” SPEP, Philadelphia, PA, USA
05/06/2011: “May This, Ululation, Suffice: On Repeating After One, A Derridian Onomatopoeia,” philoSOPHIA: A Feminist Society, Annual Conference, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
*03/25/2011: “On Globalcentrism,” Roundtable Discussion, Remapping: Eurocentrisms| Challenges for 21st Century Universities, Institute for Public Knowledge/Asian-Pacific-American Institute/Department of Social and Cultural Analysis/Gallatin School, New York University, NY, NY, USA
*02/18/2011: “Cogito Interruptus; or, How to Rekindle Your Inner Cartesian Fire,” Affect Seminar in the Humanities, The Center for the Humanities, The Graduate Center, CUNY, NY, NY, USA
*11/11/2010: “Is She Yoko?—A Hauntology of the Third Sex a.k.a. the Oriental Woman,” Critical Philosophy of Race: Intersections with Culture, Ethnicity, and Nationality Beyond the Black/White Binary, Rock Ethics Institute, Penn State University, State College, PA, USA
07/19/2010: “May This, Ululation, Suffice: On Repeating After One, A Derridian Onomatopoeia,” The 2nd Derrida Today International Conference, Goodenough College, London, UK
*[Keynote, CNRS-EHESS & Soochow] 07/02/2010: “Mutated Fables of God in the Philosophy of René Descartes: A Mini-Narrative Analysis of A, or The, or Him, or It, or All But …,” Philosophy, Sign, Narrative: An International Workshop, CNRS-EHESS (Centre de recherches sur les arts et le langage), Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, and Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan
06/17/2010: “From Paper Sons to Asian Babies: Echoes of Familial Alterity from the Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882-1943.” Association For Cultural Studies: Crossroads 2010, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
05/07/2010: “From Paper Sons to Asian Babies: Echoes of Familial Alterity from the Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882-1943.” ISSCO (the International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas) VII, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
*03/19/2010: “Foundational Texts in Enlightenment Political Theory: A Workshop with Kyoo Lee,” Faculty Seminar in Atlantic Studies, The Center for the Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center, NY, NY, USA
*03/02/2010: “Re-Orientale: Reading Orientalism with Gayatri Spivak and Kyoo Lee,” The Center for the Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center, NY, NY, USA
12/05/2009: “Chinamen Must Have No Sex (With Women): Echoes (of Heteronormativity and Homoethnonationalism) From the Era of Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882-1943,” Re-orienting English: Paradigms in/of Crisis. Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
11/07/2009: “Dream On, Children: Whither the Dream Act?” The Concerned Philosophers for Peace 21st Annual Conference. University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA
11/06/2009: “Soldiering on Otherwise, Critically and Collectively: Interdisciplining Student-Survivors of Military Violence, Sexual Abuse and War Trauma,” Co-presentation with Professors Katie Gentiles and Jean Mills of John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The Third Feminist Pedagogy Conference, The Graduate Center, NY, NY, USA
06/01/2009: “A Queery into M. Descartes: Larvatus prodeo II,” International Association of Philosophy and Literature, Brunel University, London, UK
04/25/2009: “Sustained Shadows of Sustainability: A Resistantialist Look at Bio-centric Ableism,” Sustainability Conference, Villanova University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
03/08/2009: “Why I Care About ‘Cartesian Moments’ in Foucault: From History of Madness to The Hermeneutics of the Subject,” Foucault Circle. DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA
02/26/2009: “If China Travelled to Descartes: Descartes’ Cartographical Schizophrenia Seen From a Perspective of Multiple Modernities,” North East Modern Language Association. Boston, MA, USA
12/29/2008: “On the Transformative Potentials of the Dark Female Animal in the Daodejing,” Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, APA (American Philosophical Association), Philadelphia, PA, USA
11/01/2008: “Still Only on Paper, or Not on Paper: The Artefactuality of Asian American Ontology Allegorized in the “Paper Sons,” East of California Asian American Studies Conference, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA
10/03/2008: “Still (Un)Written On the Face: On The Artifactual Originality of the “Paper Sons” of Chinese America as a Spectral Resource for Citational Politics To Come,” California Roundtable on Philosophy and Race, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
09/13/2008: “Hiroshima notre amour: Can We Explore a Philopoetics of Elemental Cultivation with Duras, Irigaray, and Others?” Luce Irigaray Circle Conference 2008, Hofstra University and Stony Brook University, NY, NY, USA
*04/06/2008: “On a ‘Frog in the Pond’; or a Pond in the Frog as a Metaphor for ‘This’ World,” X-factors Conference: Terrestriality, Rinscription, Memory Regimes, A Workshop on “Climate Change” and the Archive, SUNY-Albany, Albany, NY, USA
03/22/2008: “Natural (?) Man and The Spirit of the Laws,” Roundtable on Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws. Society for Social and Political Philosophy, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA
03/20/2008: “Hiroshima notre amour: When Your Memories Turn up in My Mouth,” PhiloSOPHIA: A Feminist Society 2nd Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA
*02/23/2008: Commentator on the Panel on Levinas and Scepticism: “Levinasian Otherwise, Skepticism, and the Problem of Self-reference,” Midsouth Philosophy Conference, Department of Philosophy, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA
*12/29/2007: “Towards a Globalization of the Feminist Analogical Imagination and Its Materiality,” Roundtable Discussion on Asian American Philosophy and Feminist Philosophy. APA (American Philosophical Association), Baltimore, MD, USA
*09/07/2007: Commentator on the Panel on Feminine Voice, Irigaray, Opera and Hysteria. Annual Conference, The Irigaray Circle, Stony Brook University, NY, NY, USA
*12/2006: Commentator on a panel on Asian American Philosophy. APA (American Philosophical Association), University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
10/2006: “Another 911: Post-9/11 Infantilization of Children’s Literature,” Southern Modern Language Association, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
10/2006: “Elizabethen Cogito Interruptus as a Feminist Rewrite of Cogito,” SPEP, Philadelphia, PA, USA
*06/2006: “If China Traveled to Descartes,” Critical Theories on Modernity, The Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, China
*06/2006: “Silence and Modernity,” Critical Theories on Modernity, Three Gorges University, Yichang, China
*06/2006: “If China Traveled to Descartes,” Cultural Critique, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
*05/2006: “Black Eyes, White Hood: Political Phenomenology of Asian Eyelid Surgery,” Hampshire College, Amherst, MA, USA
10/2005: “Beauvoir & Merleau-Ponty: Keeping Sartre in the Picture,” SPEP (Society for Phenomenological & Existentialist Philosophy), Salt Lake City, UT, USA
*10/2005: Guest Lecture at Freshman Seminar on Philosophy and Animal, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
*06/2005: “Black Eyes, White Hood,” Cultural Critique, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Central Chinese Normal University, Beijing, China
06/2005: “Being of Seeming: Deleuzian (Dis)appearance of Stereotype,” Politics of Being, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
06/2005: “Buttery Flies,” IAPL (International Association for Philosophy and Literature), Helsinki, Finland
03/2005: “Buttery Flies: Ironies of M. Butterfly Read through Rorty, Derrida and West,” APA, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
02/2005: “Inconvenience of Being A Little Rational: Descartes’ Provisional Ethics,” Midsouth Philosophy, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA
09/2004: “Black Eyes, White Hood,” California Roundtable for Philosophy and Race, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
*08/2004: “If Descartes Saw a Photograph…,” Department of Philosophy, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
05/2004: “The Child Who Questions: Transcultural/racial Renegades in Asian American Lit,” American Literature Association, Boston, MA, USA
*10/2003: “Philosophies in/of Comparison: What is Comparative Philosophy?,” Philosophy Circle, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA
09/2003: “Transcultural Invention of American Literature: The Case of Linda Sue Park,” Southern Modern Language Association, University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, TN, USA
05/2003: “Written once and for all [...]: Benjamin and de Man,” IAPL (International Association for Philosophy and Literature), Leeds, UK
05/2003: “Children, Deconstruct Komerica: Linda Sue Park and Children’s Literature,” American Literature Association, Boston, MA, USA
12/2002: “Cartesian Madness: Revisiting the Foucault and Derrida Debate,” APA (American Philosophical Association), Atlanta, GA, USA
08/2002: “Measuring Madness,” International Institute for Field Being, Sian, China
11/2001: “The Ironic Muse,” Lyric Poetry, Institute for English Studies, The University of London, London, UK
*09/2001: “The Other of Dialogue: On Silencing the Silence of the Other,” Dialogue and Difference, The University of London, London, UK
07/2001: “Poetics of Philosophical Somnambulism: Descartes,” ISUD (International Society for Universal Dialogue), Krakow University, Krakow, Poland
*06/2001: “On Knell: Self-reflexivity of Funeral Melancholia,” The Inventions of Death, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
04/2001: “Sex and the City: Post-Feminist Body, Poetry of Choi,” Korean Studies, Annual Conference, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA
*12/1999: “Derrida’s Song of the New International,” Derrida and Multi-culturalism, University of Derby, Derby, UK
06/1997: “Writing Matters: The Cartesian Body,” Body Matters II, University of Hull, Hull, UK